We sell Juki genuine parts, Brother industrial sewing machine parts, and other brand name manufacturer parts, as well as generic parts. If we sell you an original manufacturer part that is exactly what you will get. Of course, genuine parts cost more than generics. We try to stock both so you can decide which is best. Or call and ask us. We do not always recommend the highest priced part depending on your situation. Our goal is to form a long-lasting support role in your mission. Purchasers, owners, and managers need industrial sewing machine parts to keep machines running.
If you are a contract sewer, manufacturer, tailor, or maker of specialty products, then come to us for all your industrial sewing parts. If we don’t have it, we will do our very best to get it for you. Your goals are our main priority. We want you to thrive. So please set yourself up for success and purchase a spare parts kit for your machines today!